
  • STEP
    Array variables allow us to group related PHP data values together in a list using a single variable name. We can store multiple data in a single variable.

    1. Define variable or variable assignment

    Let us define separate variable for storing data of students , teachers and staff


    The above method is not good for managing or maintaining the variables while developing an application

    2. Group the related data and store in a single variable using array


                    $variable_name = [];
                    $variable_name = ['key' => 'value'];
    1. $ sign must be in front of the variable name
    2. = sign for assigning the value to a variable
    3. => sign for separating key and value in an array
    4. , sign for separating the multiple values in an array
                  $student=["name" => "manoj", "age" => 20, "dob" => "20-01-2020", "english" => 50, "malayalam" => 60, "computer" => 70, "maths" => 80, "gk" => 90];     
                  // OR    
                  $teacher=["name" => "manoj",  "age" => 20, "dob" => "20-01-2020", "basic" => 25000, "hra" => 5000, "ta" => 100]; 
                  // OR 
                  $staff=["name" => "manoj", "age" => 20, "dob" => "20-01-2020", "basic" => 25000, "hra" => 5000, "ta" => 100];
                  // OR 

    3. Read the array data with key


    4. update array data with key


    5. output to the browser using echo

               echo  $student["name"];   
               echo $student["age"];  
               echo $student["dob"];         
               echo  $teacher["name"]; 
               echo  $teacher["age"]; 
               echo  $teacher["dob"]; 
               echo $staff["name"];
               echo  $staff["age"];
               echo  $staff["dob"];

    6. Show the data user friendly

                            <td>Student Name</td>
                                  echo  $student["name"]; 
                            <td>Student Age</td>
                                  echo  $student["age"]; 
                            <td>Student DOB</td>
                                  echo $student["dob"]; 
                            <td>Teacher Name</td>
                                  echo  $teacher["name"]; 
                            <td>Teacher Age</td>
                                  echo  $teacher["age"]; 
                            <td>Teacher DOB</td>
                                  echo $teacher["dob"]; 
                            <td>Staff Name</td>
                                  echo  $staff["name"]; 
                            <td>Staff Age</td>
                                  echo  $staff["age"]; 
                            <td>Staff DOB</td>
                                  echo $staff["dob"]; 